
There are many benefits to getting involved with the Center for Artificial Intelligence Foundations and Engineered Systems as a corporate sponsor:

  • Access to new AI tools and methodologies
  • Access to center students for internships and recruitment
  • Support of industry partner’s research projects and collaboration

There are numerous ways to get involved with CAFE as a corporate sponsor:

  • Support for center’s research projects
  • Short course/lecture in AI targeted for specific industry segments
  • Center-level support and gifts

Selected topics of interests for collaboration include:

  • Computational Imaging: applications ranging from medicine to defense systems
  • Distributed multi-agent control/coordination/optimization: applications arising in unmanned aerial vehicles and sensor networks for defense systems.
  • Trustworthy computing/Cyber-physical security and privacy/privacy-preserving control and optimization
  • Industrial and Agricultural Internet of T
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Smart transportation
  • Natural Language Processing

If you are interested in supporting any of the CAFE initiatives or projects, please contact Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, CAFE director, at, or Priya Baboo, senior director of corporate and industry engagement in the College of Engineering, at



The Center for Artificial Intelligence Foundations and Engineered Systems (CAFE), pronounced café, brings together expertise from 75 researchers representing 24 academic units across Penn State with the goal of developing cross-disciplinary interactions. The center’s focus is on accelerating advances by synergistically advancing AI foundations and the techniques to deploy them efficiently toward applications focused on engineered and defense systems. CAFE provides opportunities for research partnerships, faculty/student recruitment, and technology transition to practice.

Center for Artificial Intelligence Foundations and Engineered Systems

The Pennsylvania State University

W323 Westgate Building

University Park, PA 16802